What you will read about on the Web pages to follow are descriptions of several bowed stringed instruments. Some of them are members of the traditional violin/viola family which have been redesigned to make them more comfortable and better sounding. The others represent more extreme deviations. Some of the instruments are unusual in their appearances, others are conventional looking. But all of them:

* have been acoustically re-engineered to enhance their power and richness of sound, and to assist in tonal evenness from the top to the bottom of their ranges.

* have been designed to make significant ergonomic improvements over conventional instruments; this to reduce back, shoulder and elbow strain and to help with the epidemic problem of left-hand tendinitis, including carpal tunnel syndrome.

* have been built to be played and heard in a concert hall with acoustic, non-electronic performance in mind. (The jazz instruments are easily converted to electronic pickups or mikes if that is preferred.)

Please follow the navigation bar on the left-hand-side or bottom of the pages to view the site.





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Copyright © David L. Rivinus 2001
Phone (503) 794 2953
15794 SE Norma Rd.
Portland, OR 97267-5136